FAO Names

En - Bigeye tuna; Fr - Thon obse sibi - Patudo.


Maximum fork length over 200 cm; common to 180 cm (corresponding to an age of at least 3 years). The all-tackle angling record for the Pacific is a 197.3 kg fish from off Cabo Blanco, Peru in 1957. This fish was 236 cm long but it was not specified whether this pertained to fork length or total length. For the Atlantic, the all-tackle angling record is a 170.3 kg fish with a fork length of 206 em taken off Ocean City, Maryland, USA in 1977. Maturity seems to be attained at 100 to 130 cm fork length in the eastern Pacific and in the Indian Ocean, and at about 130 cm in the central Pacific.
Diagnostic Features A large species, deepest near middle of first dorsal fin base. Gillrakers 23 to 31 on first arch. Pectoral fins moderately long (22 to 31% of fork length) in large individuals (over 110 cm fork length), but very long (as long as in T. alalunga) in smaller individuals (though in fish shorter than 40 cm they may be very short).In fish longer than 30 cm, ventral surface of liver striated. Swimbladder present. Vertebrae 18 precaudal plus 21 caudal. Colour: lower sides and belly whitish; a lateral iridescent blue band runs along sides in live specimens; first dorsal fin deep yellow, second dorsal and anal fins light yellow, finlets bright yellow edged with black.
Geographical Distribution

Worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, but absent from the Mediterranean.